Wednesday, September 21, 2016

My life

I was born in 1976 on November 11. I am now 39 years old. My mother didn't know what Spina Bifida was, so she had to learn. The doctors told my mother I wouldn't live past 10 years old, walk, or talk. They also told her I'd be retarded, which is not true.  I've been walking since I was 2 years old walking away from my walker over to the toy box which was across the room from where I was with my walker. When I called out to my mother, she comes not seeing me at my walker, but I was at the toy box, she called the doctor right away and told him. He didn't believe her so she was asked to bring me in so he could see it for himself. So since then I've been walking.
 I was also born with clubbed feet, I had multiple surgeries on my feet. I also have hydrocephalus, which is known as water in the brain. So I have a tube in my head to drain the fluid called a shunt. It's always put on the right side of the head. But in my case, it's my left due to a spinal fluid infection at 4 months old.

Please read more about Spina Bifida.

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